If you are interested in making a living with your computer from home using the internet, then this
site may be of help. I will guarantee that the information, services, products, tools, and
other goodies you will find from these pages with be useful to you in this endeavor. There are several
approaches you can take with making a living on the internet. First, what most use of coarse is sales of
products or services. There is virtually no limit on finding products or services to sell. Many companies
(most if not all), will allow you to market, advertise, and sell their products and services based on a
commission as an affiliate. These commissions may be small percentages or large lucrative percentages of
the sale. Even the smallest ones can be really good for you to make a living. Remember, if you learn how
to advertise and market your web sites really well, then you will be able to sell just about anything you
choose in fairly large numbers. It does take a lot of work, persistence, and creativity. Currently working
this venture as Rears Consulting (2008), previously as Vorith Enterprises Company is my company that was
created originally in March 1993 for business and computer consulting, real estate investments, and
Personal Computer services. From these humble beginnings as a part time venture while working for the Navy.